Congratulations to ReddotGG for their Sea of Thieves screenshot!

You can check out all of the entries here:

Join us next time for a chance to win some ARP and spread some gaming joy! A pirate and skeleton dancing on a beach in a game
This week's Relay Challenge: Everything is better with friends! Post a screenshot of a game you like to play with your pals!

Our favorite, as chosen by the administration, will earn 25 ARP.

Submit your Screenshot with the name of the game as a new Relay post by 23:59 UTC, February 20th.
Winners will be announced on February 20th!

Rules: A group fighting in a cave with lava
Congratulations to Wyntrblue, tsquale, Zsegiano, Strawbearry, and MarvashMagalli on their GOYT screenshots!

You can check out all of the entries here:

Join us next time for a chance to win some ARP and spread some gaming joy! A squirrel holding a gun
This week's Relay Challenge: Share an image from the favorite game you played this year AND explain why it's your fav! 5 favorites, as chosen by the administration, will earn 50 ARP.

- Must be your own screenshot
- Must name game in post
- Must follow the rules in the ToS
- Must utilize the Relay Challenge Tag on your Relay
- One submission per person

Submit your Screenshot as a new Relay post by 23:59 UTC, December 19th. Winners will be announced on December 20th! Rivals Win
Congratulations to PandorianGrey on their serene beach scene from Nightingale!

You can check out all of the entries here:

Join us next time for a chance to win some ARP and spread some gaming joy! Beach scene
This week's Relay Challenge: Post a Screenshot of A Beautiful Ocean View!
Our favorites, as chosen by the administration, will earn 15 ARP.

- Must be your own screenshot
- Must name game in post
- Must follow the rules in the ToS
- Must utilize the Relay Challenge Tag on your Relay
- One submission per person

Submit your Screenshot as a new Relay post by 23:59 UTC, December 1st. Winners will be announced on December 2nd! Player standing over a cliff and ocean
Congratulations to アレン on their outfit in Tiny Tina's Wonderland!

You can check out all of the entries here:

Join us next time for a chance to win some ARP and spread some gaming joy!
This week's Relay Challenge: Post a Screenshot of Your Favorite Outfit or Costume on Your Character!
Our favorites, as chosen by the administration, will earn 15 ARP.

- Must be your own screenshot
- Must name game in post
- Must follow the rules in the ToS
- Must utilize the Relay Challenge Tag on your Relay
- One submission per person

Submit your Screenshot as a new Relay post by 23:59 UTC, November 6th. Winners will be announced on November 7th! Astarion with Clown facepaint
Congratulations to jk on their huge Nintendo DS creation in Minecraft!

You can check out all of the entries here:

Join us next time for a chance to win some ARP and spread some gaming joy! Nintendo DS made in Minecraft.
This week's Relay Challenge: Post a Screenshot of Your Proudest Crafted or Constructed Creation!
Our favorite, as chosen by the administration, will earn 15 ARP.

- Must be your own screenshot
- Must name game in post
- Must follow the rules in the ToS
- Must utilize the Relay Challenge Tag on your Relay
- One submission per person

Submit your Screenshot as a new Relay post by 23:59 UTC, October 3rd. Winners will be announced on October 4th! A cottage at night with trees, a pond, flowers, and lamps
Congratulations to Vizhax on their intelligent caption from Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

"This is where your tale ends, Vizier — forever sealed in the sands of time."

You can check out all of the entries here:

Join us next time for a chance to win some ARP and spread some gaming joy! Screenshot of gameplay from Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
This week's Relay Challenge: Intel Gamer Days celebrates Intelligent Gamers

Share a screenshot from any game with your best victory pose and caption it with your best one-liner for your character.

ex. "You're Fired!"

Our favorites, as chosen by the administration, will earn 15 ARP.

Must include a caption along with your screenshot! Additional rules in comments
Submit your Screenshot as a new Relay post by 23:59 UTC, Sept 4th. Winners will be announced on Sept 5th!
Congratulations to Andyteroo on their formidable boss Balrog from Shadow of War.

You can check out all of the entries here . Join us next time for a chance to win some ARP and spread some gaming joy!
This week's Relay Challenge: Post a screenshot of Your Most Formidable Boss/Enemy in a Video Game!
Our favorites, as chosen by the administration, will earn 15 ARP.

- Must be your own screenshot
- Must name game and enemy in post
- Must follow the rules in the ToS
- Must utilize the Relay Challenge Tag on your Relay
- One submission per person

Submit your Screenshot as a new Relay post by 23:59 UTC, August 8th. Winners will be announced on August 9th!
This week's Relay Challenge: Post a screenshot of Your Favorite Mythical Animal/Beast in a Video Game!

Our favorites, as chosen by the administration, will earn 15 ARP.

- Must be your own screenshot
- Must name game and animal type/name
- Must follow the rules in the ToS
- Must utilize the Relay Challenge Tag on your Relay
- One submission per person

Submit your Screenshot as a new Relay post by 23:59 UTC, July 17th. Winners announced on July 18th! A screenshot of Shadow Whiskers from BG3
The previous issues have been resolved. 20 ARP has been awarded.
What's this?! Hello everyone!