Guess it's probably due to people's confusion with previous "Daily Login" entry in ARP Log,
so AWA decided to update from now on into "Daily Login Streak" and "Daily Login Calendar".
As you can guess, the Chai Stones Artifact only boosts entry name as "Daily Login",
so now new names won't be recognized anymore.
⚠️ Steam Community Event - Hours not being registered
System clogged up, still try the below while wait AWA to clear that up.
Currently due to server delay between Steam and AWA.
Playtime of The Elder Scrolls® Online might be delayed over 8-16+ hours to be registered.
Despite the usual normal update time of each 3 hours interval.
Just play longer to be assure after that huge delay your playtime will get registered.
Sorry for the maintenance taking so long.
Was only scheduled for 3 days but due to have some activities irl away from home,
+ heavy rain that caused some delay back to home, so took around 1 week to finish.
Maintenance ended.
New features added.
🔻Added Currently Available section.
🔻Merged some sections together.
🔻Removed duped infos, repeated section.