For the German Aliens among us, the "DELL Black Friday Sale" is on! Best deal (-40%) & historical low: DELL S2722DGM 27" Curved VA Monitor for 164,99€. Plus get extra 15% cashback with "Shoop" for the next 3 days! With the 100€ minimum spend limit, 22k DRP & cashback I paid now effectively for 2(!) monitors 96,53€. Pretty wild!
easyrhino - 11.25.2024 15:38:32
Wait does germany have a black friday, and is there a holiday like thanksgiving to base it off of?
Fruit Punch Samurai - 11.25.2024 17:34:41
@easyrhino - You underestimate the power of the American consumerism. 🛍️🛒
oS1kl - 11.25.2024 18:25:32
Thanks for the heads up @MARSM4N! We can buy multiple of those 3k and 2k DELL Reward Points items on the marketplace not just once right?
MARSM4N - 11.25.2024 20:27:08
@easyrhino Yes, "Black Friday" spilled over a few years ago & each year more sellers are participating. Our "Thanksgiving" (est. 1941) is called "Erntedankfest" (est. 1972) aka. "Harvest Fest".
MARSM4N - 11.25.2024 20:28:48
@easyrhino Apparently it has Christian/Pagan origins with quotes you can already find in the bible & it was even celebrated by Romans, Greeks & Israelites. Thanksgiving is said to origin. from a "peace feast" with Wampanoag Indians in 1621.
MARSM4N - 11.25.2024 20:30:08
@oS1kl Sure you can, but the next ones are only available after a reset which happens around every 3 months.
vicmac - 11.25.2024 23:10:00
That's the monitor I bought last black friday and I'm so happy with it. Great choice
oS1kl - 11.26.2024 11:40:35
@MARSM4N Oh now I'm confused. I was wondering how you got 22k RP because looking at the FAQ ( I thought the RP vanish after aprox. 3 months... PM very welcome if you care to explain 😅
Fruit Punch Samurai - 11.26.2024 17:28:39
@Tabbou - Where you at? Thought we'd see your opinion of this DRP-redemption deal by now.
MARSM4N - 11.26.2024 18:56:15
@oS1kl Most of the DRP was from the "Intel Weeks" where they gave away almost daily DRP. Converted 20k to 200€ Dell cash + 2k DRP points. Recently they removed the option to convert, so I guess it isn't possible anymore to save up big.