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Keeper of the Mew

Steam Quests for the games I own show complete for the week but I haven't played them yet.
mitch079 - 01.24.2024 03:55:26
When I click on them it shows no progress on the bar so hopefully just a visual bug. I checked the ARP log and didn't get credit for them.
saturnine23 - 01.24.2024 04:04:42
I also currently have this bug.
Pylawn - 01.24.2024 04:27:24
Yep! Known bug, working on getting that fixed :)
Darkstahr - 01.24.2024 18:42:09
.... and the free points were a problem for you? o.0
MASTERHAENIR - 01.24.2024 20:15:40
Here says: "Total ARP earned today: 44". But i've gained 49 (they forgot to count the time on Alienware, which is 5).