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tier so nice I reached it twice

I somehow have 61 hours in the PoE event that started today. Should I bother contributing hours while they work on fixing this? I don't know if they can tell apart the real hours from the fake.
Goomba Girl - 01.30.2024 09:20:24
I'm unsure ut it looks like the counter has moved for me again and it recorded my 1 hour of playtime today just now.
_johny77 - 01.30.2024 09:30:31
Joining the event just now swichted me from 0 hours total play to -1 hours total play :))). I sure hope it gets sorted out soon.
Blarzek - 01.30.2024 10:07:15
Don't give up.
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 01.30.2024 16:04:46
Well not sure if those hours are counted to total or will be removed later due to glitch/bug, so until AWA side fixes other things I guess.
TheJobberwock - 01.30.2024 17:39:28
guess i'll have to hope they manage to wipe only the fake hours when it is fixed :/