wait this week do we REALLY get to pick our own game for all three steam challenges?
Jdogbites - 12.16.2024 01:31:28
I'm was wondering the same thing and does completing one finish them all?
Ahhhhhh, I need a medic bag - 12.16.2024 01:46:13
@Jdogbites, wondering the same thing. I set up 2 choice the same game and currently checking whether I need 1 hr or 2 hrs
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 12.16.2024 02:26:24
Enjoy your free 90 ARP (30 ARP per quest) instead of usual 15/25 ARP per quest! Thx AWA! <3
D00msd4ys3y3s - 12.16.2024 05:03:12
If you have artifacts the boosts Steam Quest ARP, NOW would be the best time to use them!
D00msd4ys3y3s - 12.16.2024 05:04:14
@Jdogbites, as far as I'm aware, you can choose 3 different games.
Chromigula - 12.16.2024 14:02:44
Should be able to choose one game for all of them and get 'em in one go
peng_jaa - 12.16.2024 14:09:12
So far they're not updating, but maybe it's just taking longer than usual.
CxJ - 12.16.2024 16:47:38
I choose three same game and it counts only 2
D00msd4ys3y3s - 12.16.2024 19:59:33
Somehow I'm not getting any progress of the three games I have chosen. Perhaps this must be a critical bug that needs fixing ASAP?