I ended up with 20 ARP, but then again, I was one of the early risers (actually, I stayed up late). So I wouldn't have noticed anything was up. Last time was a weird one, but I've deliberately skipped the fruit one because I hate it.
Nope, I got 20 ARP. I got 10 DRP last week, so I wasn't expecting 2 weeks in a row anyway. Dell is probably still mad at the DRP exploit a while back. I kinda wish I did it now seeing as how much they nerfed DRP. Being honest sux sometimes.
@maramire - Not true. I got 1000 DRP last week, but only 10 ARP this week. DRP pay outs definitely seem less common, but I don't know if it's just a matter of more people on the site (the vast majority of whom never post comments) or if