Inside you there are two wolves
Nirjor - 11.02.2024 12:19:22
@iszap72 it's a meme. Not an actual data chart. But don't worry. Next time I will add a warning. "For legal reaons, I have to declare that this is a joke". There, everything is fine.
iszap72 - 11.02.2024 13:13:32
kovec - 11.02.2024 13:36:49
You're missing a whole step where people complain about the games selected being crap while others praise them as a good vault.
hanabira32 - 11.05.2024 20:31:42
things will get more spicy now that there is metaphor this month LMAO
hanabira32 - 11.05.2024 20:33:08
as a noob imma just stand on the sidelines, i dont even qualified for tier 4, sadge.