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I taste like crunchy toejam sauteed in vinegar.

Psst... 😰

Is it safe now to thank Alienware Arena for a Game Vault key without getting attacked for being a bot, script kiddie, or the person who ruined your life forever?
amoAR - 11.23.2024 23:04:24
Nope! just don't do it :)
Codasim - 11.24.2024 03:41:22
Get out of here you bot with all your scripts!!!! You ruined my life!!!!! Congrats on getting a key by the way!
Fruit Punch Samurai - 11.25.2024 18:01:40
@Codasim - Thanks. Of course, the stars line up for me when it's the most expensive Vault game ever. 😳 Usually quit trying for my #1 choice after the second "We cannot accept your purchase", but somehow succeeded on second attempt.