As you can see, the "Confirm" button is greyed out, but the key was not delivered. Is there anything to say?
ForgeFace - 01.24.2025 20:13:36
When I clicked it for Star Wars it greyed out but after a few seconds it went through (: But Steam is saying my code is invalid ):
time4fun - 01.24.2025 20:15:17
I also had the same issue but was at least able to get a copy of sonic. Thanks AWA for hosting these things!
Kurozzz - 01.24.2025 20:16:25
Same happened, didn't get the game as always.
Gaymer49426 - 01.24.2025 20:30:27
Happened to me last month AND this month. However, this month, I refused to close or refresh that tab, and when I opened a new tab and went to the Vault, it showed "claimed". I was determined to leave everything and work in new tabs.
BohemDeSad - 01.24.2025 21:57:33
Same here. Hit confirm, a minute nothing happend and than an error page arrived with "unhealthy backend" and after the reload it was out of stock.
asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf123412341234 - 01.24.2025 22:40:09
can be ui issue due to site load. i had the same often when i tried to get high demand game. this time with stalker too, but for me the buy went through. go to your "my rewards" section of your profile and check game keys section. :)
Manfred Von Richtofen - 01.25.2025 02:42:49
same and tried waiting and I didn;t get it, but I got the Sonic game
rokocoko - 01.25.2025 11:47:16
@asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf123412341234 Unfortunately, for me, the magic didn't happen. I waited a few minutes, hoping for the claim to go through, but no. Got myself Sonic as a consolation prize.