A few days ago I reached Tier 4 and redeem my V Rising code from the giveaway. Are there more active giveaways for high tier users like that? Because it seems impossible to scroll throughout all the cosmetic items giveaways of the section
lomaxgnome - 04.09.2024 16:27:17
There were a few Mythforce keys left when I hit tier 4 a couple weeks ago but only a couple. That's the only other one I found.
kolja300 - 04.09.2024 16:42:15
oh thank i claimed key for v-rising and for mythforce( it says 733 keys left)
Bumbz - 04.09.2024 17:48:29
Serious? Damm, i need the tier 4 asap then. I started gathering ARP specifically for those two games! Hope there are some keys left till next month that I'm hoping I hit t4.
Bumbz - 04.09.2024 17:54:56
Also, how do we see a complete list of the past giveaways so we can try digging up some hidden t4+ gems? :D
Aradiel. - 04.09.2024 19:15:02
Apart from the two already mentioned, there were keys for Pole, Buddy Simulator 1984, and Advent Rising last time I checked, a few months ago.
Punished_Pyle - 04.09.2024 19:35:36
@Bumbz You could always try recruiting a few friends and doing the pathway for that extra ARP.
JShepard14 - 04.09.2024 20:55:49
"You are not allowed access to this content." is what I get from the Pole giveaway
lomaxgnome - 04.10.2024 00:31:31
Can verify that there are still Advent Rising keys left and it's only a tier 3 requirement. Also Pole and Buddy Simulater 1984 still left, only tier 2 requirement. Might be region restricted to the US. Thanks to Aradiel for the tip.
bcdusk2 - 04.11.2024 14:45:01
Thanks for the tips, got two games I didn't have thanks guys.
Reiatsu - 04.11.2024 23:04:56
Thanks, I didn't have Pole and Advent Rising