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This "Hive" change is going to make me switch to double Time on Site rewards for a total of +12. It's a major ARP loss but there are not enough Hive members and my sanity is more important than extra points, I have enough anyways.
MegaMaxedStone - 09.13.2024 14:10:38
BTW, everyone loses with this change, specially the streamers since they will get less lukers.
dreZmoL - 09.13.2024 14:19:50
I don't understand this change either. 🤷🏿‍♂️
Tmmimitw - 09.13.2024 15:05:30
do people literally sit and watch the whole stream? don't you just run it in the background and forget about it till you think "oh right, i had that open" and then close the tab?
Thalatash - 09.13.2024 16:18:06
@Tmmimitw Same. I'll check back every 15 min. to make sure everything's still working. If they're playing a game that I'm interested in I'll watch some, but I've never watched for the whole 30 ARP, maybe when it was 15 a couple of times
FLYeRNeT - 09.13.2024 16:40:25
Not enough hives available during all the day so it takes too much time to complete Twitch quests :( :( :(
Fruit Punch Samurai - 09.13.2024 16:57:07
@Tmmimitw @Thalatash - I'm guessing the people without unlimited data for internet are the most upset. Heck, even with an unlimited plan, some service providers do throttling after a certain amount of usage.
SaintAx - 09.14.2024 09:24:09
I understand your point. It would be better if this new rule could be activated only when there is an active hive stream... Anyway, like others, I never watch the streams, it's only a iddle tab. Better sanity I guess :)
louvelyn - 09.15.2024 11:33:03
That's perfectly fair, not trying to argue but to reply the person mentioning data usage before: remember to set the stream to 160p when you're not actually watching it, it helps keep the bandwidth consumption low!
Fruit Punch Samurai - 09.16.2024 18:35:48
@louvelyn - About a week ago, the Watch Twitch list had a streamer named Pylawn with only a 1080p option while playing WoW. He must be some sort of broadband snob. 😒
MegaMaxedStone - 09.17.2024 07:28:40
Pylawn is an admin here. Since he's probably not a twitch partner, watchers don't get option to downgrade quality... Just Twitch things.