Sent another support email regarding my missing alienware banner i haven't received since 2019. Hopefully they get back to me soon, wish me luck
j​k - 07.09.2024 04:28:09
Thanks for the reminder to follow up again, I got sent the wrong item in 2022 and I've been trying to get the right thing sent ever since
maramire - 07.09.2024 10:54:55
2019? How sad.
DrMASE - 07.09.2024 11:45:53
Good luck!!! I gave up on recieving the jersey. I did get the other items I ordered eventually.
nimeni32 - 07.09.2024 11:52:35
At this point we clearly need a new priority artifact to decrease the waiting time on merch!
Milkyshakes - 07.09.2024 20:11:29
**Update** They responded back within a day telling me that they are refunding the ARP back to my account and are going to send me out a banner to which they confirmed my address.
DrowningInIt - 07.10.2024 04:40:48
excellent to see they responded and gave a really dope resolution for you. Win for the time spent waiting. YEARS
Milkyshakes - 07.11.2024 05:06:00
Yeah Fr, 4 years is a bit much if you ask me lol. Ill update the post if i ever get the banner in the mail