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Donkey Brain

On the image for the vault on the homepage news thing, there is a game called W.A.N.D. Project, but it isn't in the vault. Is it going to be in the Vault, or is it not supposed to be on the infographic thing? Happy New Years, everyone!
King Luiso - 01.02.2025 01:11:50
Good eye. Probably is missing a video game. Otherwise, it may a error. We will know it the rest of the week or until next week. I suppose nobody works today in the world (New Year) and the reason of the bug from the minigame, too.
Thalatash - 01.02.2025 02:37:30
@KingLuiso I'm hoping it will be in the vault because it on my wish list, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. I think it was left on this graphic accidentally and won't be in the vault, but finger crossed it will (and I can get it, lol)
Fruit Punch Samurai - 01.02.2025 17:24:08
No mystery slot in the Vault, so could it be that the publisher backed out of the deal? Or maybe it's delayed until next month. 🤔