Today's ARP is still showing 0. The time on site is normal to take time to be reflected. But the calendar ARP tend to show from the beginning, even the twitch arp tend to only be delayed by a little bit. But right now I'm at 14 collected and not even 1 has shown in the total and the calendar rewards are also still not showing up.
mourag31 - 03.11.2024 01:24:25
not working. Today's ARP is still showing 0. the same issue
mhol1071 - 03.11.2024 01:59:57
There seem to be delays to ARP reporting that's been happening over the weekend. It'll show up after a while, it took about 90mins for my calendar ARP to show and Twitch is only just beginning to trickle through. Best to just wait it out.
dreZmoL - 03.11.2024 02:51:46
Communication with the mothership is intermittent.
jokerKEK - 03.11.2024 04:56:52
yep, doesnt add to total arp too
Palpie - 03.11.2024 06:00:10
Steam quests completed also not showing in arp log.
blalilulelo - 03.11.2024 06:55:12
Yup was slowly advancing for the day, now seems to be stuck.
Werbemail - 03.11.2024 07:12:15
Same here
papermonster - 03.11.2024 08:34:32
#me too
Andood - 03.11.2024 08:48:18
same here. it doesn't even reflect the correct calendar ARP
maramire - 03.11.2024 10:00:46
I got nothing for anything on the site yesterday and still nothing for the survey.